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Import Tax Finder
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Product Information
Ballpen (原子筆)
Usage : WritingWritingWriting
50% plastic
50% plastic
50% plastic
Taiwan to USA
HS Code - 1231231231
Custom duties - 10% + 0.3 /pcs
Documents required for product import
You can scroll to the top of the document to review the details.
Dairy Import Permit
A nermit issued bv the USDA SIS required for importina dairv products into the USA.
*This is a prediction data; the actual taxation system is subject to the regulations of each country's customs authorities.
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We assist brand owners and OEMs with shipping to global e-commerce platform warehouses and any other destination, offering support for both sea and air freight.

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We leverage AI and automation to save significant labor costs, which allows us to reduce shipping fees and offer sellers excellent discount rates.
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I've never used a system that's so user-friendly and effective before

As a seven-figure USD Amazon seller, we've been collaborating with other freight agents. However, the constant back-and-forth communication and inquiries were time-consuming and tedious. Working with Logistiic has been a breeze. The system presents all the information I need, making the entire process very smooth and saving a lot of time. I really love Logistiic's system!

A smooth and stable logistics experience

Before partnering with Logistiic, communicating with freight agents was a time-consuming task. Collaborating with Logistiic has streamlined our cross-border e-commerce logistics process, saving us a significant amount of manpower in e-commerce logistics management. Additionally, compared to other companies, Logistiic offers more competitive prices. Highly recommended!
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