How to find the ASIN code of an item on Amazon


Sellers who run Amazon will have heard of the term ASIN, but what exactly is ASIN?

What is ASIN code

ASIN is Amazon Standard Identification Number, Amazon standard identification number. In fact, it is the ID number of Amazon products in vernacular. It is composed of 10 characters of numbers and English letters.

ASIN is widely used in various places on Amazon. Usually we also use ASIN to refer to an Amazon product. This code does not require you to apply separately. The system will automatically generate it based on the product, but the ASIN code will not depend on the material and category of the product. , uses, attributes, etc. have specific codes, so we cannot interpret any information about the product through the ASIN code.

How to find the ASIN code

So if someone asks you for the ASIN number today, how should I find it? Below we will teach you 2 methods to find the ASIN code of the product.

1. Product description on the product page - You can first go to the product page of the product, and scroll down to Product details. There is a column for ASIN, and the following is the ASIN code.

2. The URL bar of the product page - above the URL bar, there is usually a string of ASIN codes in the entire URL, such as the following example URL

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